Almirall’s roadmap to a more sustainable future

20 October 2021
  • The biopharmaceutical company reviews its Sustainability plan for the period 2021- 2023 with 15 initiatives that will contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

BARCELONA, Spain, October 20, 2021 – Almirall S.A. (BME: ALM), a global biopharmaceutical company focused on skin health, announced today the update of its ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) plan for 2021-2023 which includes 15 initiatives that will contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The company has also created a corporate ESG Committee, reporting directly to the Management Board, to lead the implementation of the action plan following the corporate ESG strategy which was approved by the Board of Directors in 2020.

As the health of the planet is intrinsically linked to the health of patients and society at large, Almirall’s commitment to environmental protection is integrated into the company’s business strategy. The updated ESG roadmap aims to further reinforce this commitment.

“Businesses cannot operate isolated from society and from the challenges that the planet is facing. We have the urgency and the responsibility to act now, and also for the generations to come. Sustainability is anchored at the core of our business strategy and it is critical to deliver on our purpose to improve the patients’ lives as well as to create long-term value for our stakeholders”, states Gianfranco Nazzi, Almirall’s Chief Executive Officer.

Reducing CO2 emissions

To respond to challenges posed by climate change and global warming, Almirall has developed a plan focused on the reduction of its global carbon footprint. The company had a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 21% by 2025, and already in January this year it had achieved a 34% reduction (2014-2020 period), which is 13% above target.

In terms of energy consumption, Almirall has implemented several energy efficiency improvement projects since 2011 which have led to the reduction of electricity and gas consumption by 23% while maintaining same levels of production and activity. The company equipped its facilities in Sant Celoni and Sant Andreu, in Spain, with solar panels, in 2017 and 2019 respectively. Furthermore, 100% of the electricity consumed at the sites in Spain and Germany comes from renewable sources. Almirall’s Spanish facilities received the ISO 50001 certification in 2013 while the German sites were ISO 50001 certified in 2016.

Going forward, Almirall plans to build a photovoltaic plant at the Sant Feliu R&D site in 2022, and another one in its facility in Reinbek, Germany, in 2023. This will contribute to achieving the new company target of reducing Almirall’s overall energy consumption by 40% by 2030.

Sustainable value chain

Almirall has developed a Sustainable Procurement Program, which is embedded in the ESG strategy, and aims to assess and certify suppliers under the strictest sustainability criteria, through a prestigious global CSR rating firm, to ensure suppliers are aligned with the company’s ethical, environmental, and good governance standards.

During 2020 the company audited more than 130 suppliers, all of them scoring above average, and has a target to rate 60% of the suppliers in terms of spent throughout 2021. Additionally, all Almirall’s suppliers are required to adhere to the company’s Supplier's Code of Conduct.

Furthermore, and in order to ensure innovation and business are compliant at all times, Almirall has reviewed the anti-corruption and anti-bribery policy, and has updated the code of ethics, including a whistleblowing tool.


Almirall’s success builds on the knowledge, engagement and commitment of its employees. The company recently launched a Diversity and Inclusion Program to raise awareness on people’s differences and promote an inclusive working culture. Currently, Almirall has employees from 28 different nationalities and 53% of its workforce are women.

Moreover, the company is also promoting a culture of physical, emotional, and nutritional wellbeing through a variety of activities, and runs internal surveys periodically to get feedback from the employees and proactively define and implement initiatives that reinforce their sense of belonging.

The independent HR assessor CRF Institute has ranked Almirall year-on-year as “Top Employer” since 2007.

The company also nurtures a safe work environment and it has been one of the first companies, in general, and one of the first chemical-pharmaceutical laboratories, in particular, to obtain certification of its occupational health and safety system according to the new ISO 45001:2018 standard (which replaces the previous OHSAS 18001:2007, for which it has held certification since 2007). This certification is currently held by Almirall’s operating centres in both Spain and Germany.

The company is also working on a plan that will set the framework for the collaborative activities that Almirall undertakes with patient organizations and patient advocacy groups.

In terms of Health & Safety, and following the official accident rate data, Almirall reported in 2020 an incidence rate of accidents with disability leave of 60% below the level of its industry sector, which is Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing Division.

About Almirall

Almirall is a global biopharmaceutical company focused on skin health. We collaborate with scientists and healthcare professionals to address patient’s needs through science to improve their lives. Our Noble Purpose is at the core of our work: “Transform the patients' world by helping them realize their hopes and dreams for a healthy life”. We invest in differentiated and ground-breaking medical dermatology products to bring our innovative solutions to patients in need.

The company, founded in 1943 and headquartered in Barcelona, is publicly traded on the Spanish Stock Exchange and is a member of the IBEX35 (ticker: ALM). Throughout its 78-year history, Almirall has retained a strong focus on the needs of patients. Currently, Almirall has a direct presence in 21 countries and strategic agreements in over 70, through 13 subsidiaries, with about 1,800 employees. Total revenues in 2020 were 814.5 million euros.

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