Almirall launches the Actinic Keratosis (AK) Global Day during the Skin Cancer Awareness Month

24 May 2022
  • Almirall promotes the AK Global Day, in collaboration with Euromelanoma and AEDV Fundación Piel Sana, to raise awareness of this condition and the importance of early detection
  • AK is one of the most common diagnoses made by dermatologists in Europe. Its prevalence can be calculated to be around 18% of the population in this continent 1,2
  • This condition an indicator of cumulative UV exposure and the initial lesion in most invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), the second most common form of skin cancer. 40% to 80% of SCC evolve from simple AK lesions3,4
  • With the campaign “Listen to what your marks whisper to you”, Almirall aims to highlight the importance of paying attention to the appearance and progression of any mark in order to have it checked and treated appropriately

BARCELONA (SPAIN), May 24th, 2022 – Almirall, a global biopharmaceutical company focused on skin health,  has launched the first Actinic Keratosis Global Day in collaboration with Euromelanoma and AEDV Fundación Piel Sana, to raise awareness of the importance of monitoring the appearance and evolution of the skin lesions of actinic keratosis. This global event will happen every year on May 24, during the Skin Cancer Awareness Month.

Actinic keratosis (AK) is a skin lesion on areas such as the head and neck region and the extremities caused by overexposure to sunlight and/or indoor tanning beds, and it's the most common precancerous dermatological condition5. It is estimated that 40% to 80% of skin cancers (SCC) evolve from simple AK lesions3,4 , the second most common form of skin cancer.

The prevalence of AK can be calculated to be around 18% of the population in Europe1,2. In recent years, the incidence of AK has gone up due to an ageing population, increased exposure to UV radiation, and changes in UV-seeking behaviours, and is one of the most common diagnoses made by dermatologists in Europe. The high prevalence of AK means the disease burden is substantial, especially in middle-aged and elderly populations. Moreover, AK can affect patients' quality of life, as lesions can cause cosmetic discomfort and interfere with the patient's daily activities.6,7,8

Actinic Keratosis is relatively easily treated when caught early, but it should be treated as a warning sign, as it is a marker for an increased rate of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), even in the absence of specific lesion progression. Initiatives like the AK Global Day promote awareness on this very common condition and the importance of recognising the lesions and consulting a dermatologist,” said Veronique del Marmol, European Chair of Euromelanoma.

Within the activities that encompass AK Global Day, Almirall has launched the campaign  "Listen to what your marks whisper to you" to highlight the importance of paying attention to the appearance and evolution of any mark in order to have it checked and treated properly by a dermatologist. Within the campaign, Almirall has created the documentary “AK Stories” with testimonials of the foremost Euromelanoma dermatology experts across Europe and their patients. They shared relevant facts about AK and emphasise the importance of prevention and diagnosis. In addition, the European association Euromelanoma has included in their website a special section on AK pre-cancerous lesions that need to be treated to prevent them from developing into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).

One in four Northern Europeans over the age of 65 will have actinic keratosis. In our discussions with patients we try to introduce the concept of self-examination and empower the patient to take charge of their skin,” said Dr. Bav Shergill, Consultant Dermatologist & Dermatological Surgeon at Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead in one of the campaign's testimonial videos. “On the south coast of England, most of my patients are very active outdoors, so there is a lot of chronic exposure to the sun. Their skin tells the story of their life. Having a collaborative approach to skin health care allows me to spread the message to their friends, family and work colleagues and means that, from one interaction, I can treat many patients,” he added.

The promotion of the AK Global Day in collaboration with two leading organisations such as Euromelanoma and AEDV Fundación Piel Sana is a major milestone in our commitment to patients”, stated Dr. Volker Koscielny, Chief Medical Officer at Almirall. “By launching the AK Global Day, we hope to raise awareness of the importance of checking your marks and seeing a dermatologist when necessary,” he added.

About Almirall

Almirall is a global biopharmaceutical company focused on skin health. We collaborate with scientists and healthcare professionals to address patient’s needs through science to improve their lives.  Our Noble Purpose is at the core of our work: “Transform the patients' world by helping them realize their hopes and dreams for a healthy life”. We invest in differentiated and ground-breaking medical dermatology products to bring our innovative solutions to patients in need.

The company, founded in 1943 and headquartered in Barcelona, is publicly traded on the Spanish Stock Exchange and is a member of the IBEX35 (ticker: ALM). Throughout its 79-year history, Almirall has retained a strong focus on the needs of patients. Currently, Almirall has a direct presence in 21 countries and strategic agreements in over 70, with about 1,800 employees. Total revenues in 2021 were 836.5 million euros.

For more information, please visit

[1] Lucas R, McMichael T, Smith W, Armstrong B. Solar ultraviolet radiation: Global burden of disease from solar ultraviolet radiation: World Health Organization, 2006. 

[2] Worldometer. Population of Europe. 2020. Available at: Accessed: October 2020.

[3] Stockfleth E, et al. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015;29(2):298-306.

[4] Fernandez-Figueras MT, et al. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015;29(5):991-997.

[5] Skin Cancer Foundation. Actinic Keratosis Overview. Available at:,to%20ultraviolet%20(UV)%20radiation January 2021

[6] Tennvall GR, et al. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2015;13:111.

[7] Weinstock MA, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;61(2):207-215

[8] Lanoue J, et al. Cutis. 2015;96:165-172.