Shareholders Annual General Meeting

Shareholders can exercise their right to make decisions regarding Almirall, S.A. at the Annual General Meetings, either in person, by proxy or by correspondence.
Here, you will find all the regulations and articles of association related to Almirall’s AGM, as well as the agenda together with agreement proposals and corresponding documents. Also, there is an electronic forum and a voting platform, enabling the shareholder to vote specifically on each item, facilitated at least one month before the AGM takes place.

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Distance voting

Access to the Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Distance voting

Access to the Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Distance voting

Access to the Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Distance voting

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Distance voting

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Additional Information to AGM

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Distance voting

Additional Information to AGM

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Distance voting

Additional Information to AGM

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Distance voting

Additional Information to AGM

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Distance voting

Other documents

Annual General Meeting

Extraordinary Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Distance voting

Additional Information to AGM

Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Distance voting

Additional Information to AGM

Annual General Meeting

Extraordinary Annual General Meeting

Agreements and documentation

Electronic forum for shareholders

Voting delegacy

Distance voting

Additional Information to AGM